Friday, February 12, 2010

I've got more rolls than a bakery...

I've become an amateur expert in weight loss over the years but I am still an idiot at maintaining that loss. I have lost a lot of weight, and gained all, or most of it, back within a year or two. My biggest loss was 114 pounds and then I gained 80 back over the next two years. Luckily I've never gotten back to my all time high of 278 pounds. So I have picked up a lot of useful tips over the years and found some useful products. They work, its just that after a few months time I get tired of doing the work. I want to eat like a "normal" person but I realize I am not normal. I am every bit as much a junkie as someone addicted to an illegal substance. I wish that I could quit cold turkey but I will always have to eat in order to live. One weekend I went to a wedding and had a normal size meal and 2 small pieces of wedding cake. I gained 7 pounds! Thats the equivalent of having a few sips of beer and waking up to find I downed the whole keg. Anyway, feel free to post your experiences of losing (and gaining) weight or just reacting to mine.


  1. anytime fatness :) don't worry nobody is "normal" ...

  2. You, my dear, are far from normal - running marathons for "fun"!
