I've had fat ankles since 8th grade, when I was actually underweight. The fattest kid in the class decided to point out that I had cankles! But I did have a completely flat stomach. Unfortunately that was the first and last time I was blessed with that gift. Notice that celebrities with perfect legs have ribs that u can see when they wear a low cut shirt. A collarbone you could use for a bookshelf. U can count her vertebrae like a stack of quarters, like a fish spine.
Most likely your ankles were not really fat. Kids are so mean. I was sharpening a pencil in 6th grade, when I heard some kid snicker, "Her butt is so big." It's the same butt I have now, and people tell me I'm thin. I guess it is a large, womanly butt...some 6th graders weren't ready for this jelly...my body was too boodylicious for them! (Try getting that song out of your head).
ReplyDeleteI could live with the cankles if I could just get back that flat stomach!