Monday, March 8, 2010

Random Thoughts

I lost 2.4 lbs this week even though I didn't exercise a lick. I've had some severe insomnia issues coupled with stress and a lot of activity so all of that seems to work even better than exercise. The activity consisted of cleaning and moving all weekend in preparation to try to short sell the house. Now its a bigger mess than when I started. And now to explain the Prince picture...
When I was 14 I was going to chnage my name to Electra X and join Princes' band. Oh yeah, I was also going to marry Prince. But he didn't know that then. Or now, for that matter. (He's still hot.)


  1. Electra X, very catchy! I missed the prince craze by a few years, it was New Kids on the Block that I remember, though I didn't get into them much. My big time crush was and always will be Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap.

  2. You can watch Quantum Leap on Netflix instantly! I had the hots for Scott too, And MacGyver. At first I pictured Scott Baio but then saw the Quantum Leap part.
