Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My triggers are pizza and birthday cake (the kind you buy from the bakery). I will eat pizza for lunch, an afternoon snack and then take the leftovers home and continue a weekend-long affair. The problem is that we always order way too many pizzas at work and I can't stand letting leftovers go to waste.

If either of these foods is in the building I spend a couple hours telling myself I won't eat it. Then I smell it and see everyone else pigging out on it. Thats when the whole "poor me/why can't I eat like everyone else can?" diatribe begins. It doesn't end until I take a bite. And after the intial piece it just tastes so good that I have 3 more. It becomes an obsession and I can't think straight because I know  that food is two doors away.  It calls to me all day until I eat it again and again and only ends when it is gone or has been in the fridge so long that it is dry and crusty and the microwave can't even resuscitate it. At least birthday cake only makes a rare appearance. But that butter creme frosting....
It is hard to be faced with the constant temptations but as I learned from the Great Sugar Cookie debacle, I am better off not eating any than trying (and failing) to eat just one. It really IS like being an alcoholic except that my behavior only hurts myself. I don't think any one else would be in danger unless I pushed them out of the way on the way to the pizza.


  1. people should not be hanging out in front of the food table, so if they get pushed well...

    seriously, though...I think that most addictions are too much of a good thing. I was watching Food Revolution last night. Great show :)

    Happy Friday! Terra

  2. I think u r right. I wish I could just stop eating altogether. It seems to work best for people to quit their addictions cold turkey than to just try to cut down.
